Tuesday, October 14, 2008

4dphsg, 1dpo

heh heh heh! I'm such a dork.
Anyway, I had the HSG on Friday...still spotting. Ugh, but according to the professionals its "normal". Ooookay.
Its also CD13, and I ovulated yesterday. Um OK? A bit early. But stress can do that, and my RE says its not unheard of for the HSG to stress the body out a bit. Ya think?! Maybe just a little.

And now.....

We went to the RE's office today for our follow up. Aaaand in the next week or so, I will be receiving my very own big ole box of meds and needles! I'm starting GonalF!! (I think thats what its called) I have never been so damn excited to stick myself with needles! Then we'll do the IUI. I cant wait to jab myself and be all bitchy and hormonal. WOO!!

This is our first step towards a baby....I mean other than the obvious Project Hump N'Hope.

I'm really, really excited!


Courtney said...

I am getting ready to start injections too! We can bitch together!!

Liz said...

Dork! You never know though, maybes this ovulation did the trick.

Martin said...

Do you have the 'lets just be sure' shag?

where you know you ovulated a day or two or three ago but you go for it anyway...

'Murgdan' said...

Good luck!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm excited FOR you to stick yourself with needles!!! Good luck coming your way!! (and some yummy Taco Bell tacos if you DO get knocked up. Mmmmm.....if that's not incentive, I don't know what IS.)

G said...

Yay!!! Moving on is awesome, wishing you loads of luck with your box of goodies :)

Lady said...

lol nice lady well here's to me not having to do this all on my own.

Jane G said...

Best of luck with it :)

Xbox - we call the 'let's just be sure shag' the 'seal the deal shag'. It's like give me one more for luck!