I havent disappeared. I'm still here and stronger than ever. :)
I will officially be divorced as of 11-7-11. Its a ways off, but whatever. It'll be here before I know it.
Speaking of the divorce....I'm changing my last name. I clearly dont want the one I have now, I dont want to go back to my first married name and I never really liked my maiden name. So...I'm picking something new. Something just for me. I'm just not sure what its gonna be yet. But I have till November to pick something. Any thoughts?
My life is going pretttty great right now.
I've lost 28lbs.
I'm happy and smiling.
My makeup business is doing well.
I still love my job ( we just celebrated 1 year a couple of weeks ago)
I have people in my life that I love and care about, and they feel the same. Imagine THAT!!
Ooooo, I've gotten some new tattoos...Have I mentioned how much I love tattoos?? Cause I DO. A lot. Someday when I'm independently wealthy, I'll be COVERED in them. :)
Really, I'm just loving life. I'm not angry or sad anymore. And it feels fucking GREAT!
Good to hear you are doing so well.
When you change your surname can you change the monkey's as well so you have the same surname? Or is he stuck with his dad's?
Monkey will keep his daddys name. I'm OK with that. He's a good guy. :) I just dont feel the need to have his name again.
Way to go on the weight loss and just feeling better! YAY for you!!
To make up a last name... do like they talked about on Father of the Bride 2... take some letters from your maiden name, married names, whatever and make one up! Steve Mar.tin always cracked me up in that about their choices!
Glad you are doing so well! MUAH!
Yay! So happy. Never knew someone to change their last name. Well, I did meet a guy that changed his name to Captain America but I doubt you'll be changing to Wonder Women....
Congrats on the weight loss. My friend had the same thought you did post-divorce. She's from up north where you can see the Northern Lights and went with Borealis because it was a source of inspiration.
You are doing AWESOME!!!
Glad to see you're doing so well...I'm getting divorced too. Not sure if I'm going to keep my last name to match the kids or go back to my maiden name or what. Good luck with choosing!
Was so glad to see you pop up in my reader--sending you BIG hugs--and dude, way to go on the weight loss! Your profile pic is gorgeous, BTW.
You and I are in a very similar spot! Hang in there and keep up the positives. :) I feel ya...!
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