Sunday, June 6, 2010

My 1A....

AKA the stupid IVF seminar they make you go to before starting IVF. AKA 2 and 1/2 hours of my life I will never get back. AKA 2 and 1/2 hours of shit I already knew.

I mean I've been at this for 3 years. I know what all this shit is. The ONLY thing I learned from this loooong ass seminar was how much it would cost for us to freeze any left over embryos, assuming there were any to freeze. My clinic will not destroy or dispose of fresh fertilized embryos, and therefore if you dont agree to having "leftovers" frozen, they will only try to fertilize as many as they are willing transfer. Which for me, is two. MAX. Basically this could lower our odds. Most insurances dont cover anything on cryogenic freezing. Which is BULLSHIT. But whatever. I'll talk to the financial department when I go for my 1B appointment on the 11th. Hopefully this is something we can afford to do, having things frozen would mean we would be able to do an FET if goddess forbid the first IVF didnt work. Which as I'm sure you all know, is a lot easier.

I'll tell ya, the only things that are freaking me out even a little are the future PIO shots and the mock transfer. I'm not a fan of IM shots. They fucking hurt. And I dont think I'll be able to do them myself. I have done all my own injections so far, but those were all sub Q. Those are easy. IM shots are bitches. And did I mention they fucking hurt? Meh. I dont want my husband to do them either. One of the reasons being, I get very angry when I'm in pain and I dont really want to have to direct that anger towards him. I mean I get mad at him all on his own and having him jam a long ass needle in my ass muscle isnt going to help him out at all.

And this mock transfer business? Sounds way to much like an HSG. WTF is that? I already had an HSG cant they just look at the results of that? I mean, the HSG itself was fine. A little cramping, slightly awkward but not to bad. It was after the HSG that messed me all up. For whatever reason, my body freaked the fuck out after I had it. I got dizzy and nauseous. I almost passed out. Not fun. Hopefully it was a fluke and wont happen again. Or it could have been my body telling me that xanax and I cant be friends anymore. I took one before the appointment because I was worried that the HSG was going to be painful. Who knows. All I do know is I'm sick of this shit. Like seriously over it.

Stupid fucking infertility.


Amber said...

Thanks for the update...I've been wondering about you :) (in a non-creepy way, of course!) Hope everything works out and goes as smoothly as possible...sorry about the shots. I HATE shots :(

Courtney said...

The PIO shots don't sound fun.. I don't think I could do it or have hubby do it either. Yuck!

I know the IF clinic here makes you freeze them too. It is of course extra money as well. But like you said- it is easier if you have to go that route you'll be glad to have them.

Sorry it is was a waste of time...

Bonnie said...

PIO shots are satans invention. No shots were worse than those ones. You can't do them yourself. Hold onto the bed and take it from behind standing up. ;)

Do I Have to Be a D.I.N.K.? said...

I never had to do the shots so I can't help you there but the mock transfer was not bad at all...Less cramping than an IUI so don't stress about that! They just do it to see the position of your Uterus.

Kansas said...

IM shots do hurt like a mother trucker, but you'll get used to it.

Martin said...

You'll be taking those pricks like a pro.

Probably a bad analogy, but you get the idea.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Darling, I'm sorry, it's going to be painful... but I'm so excited for you!
Hope and keep fingers crossed for you!